Single Cask #4443: hand-selected by Cuban Seed Cigar Co.
The Cuban Seed Cigar Co. is partnering with Westland Distillery to bring you a special cigar and single malt whiskey pairing for the holidays. CSC is a boutique manufacturer of premium cigars that are well-aged (generally 8 to 20 years) and made in small batches. Their completely handmade cigars are comprised of the finest tobaccos from around the world and produced at the highest standards at their plant in Nicaragua.
The Cuban Seed Cigar Co.'s sole proprietor, Laith Haddad, visited Westland in August to hand pick barrel #4443. A perfect selection for the holidays, as it imparts delicious carrot cake and vanilla frosting notes, with the perfect accent of spices, ending in a smooth, dry finish.
Single Cask no. 4443, selected by Cuban Seed Cigar Co. This unique bottling showcases a Oloroso Hogshead cask finish. The sturdy base notes are established using our house mash bill and New American Oak, which give this whiskey a rich structure. As the whiskey sits on the palate, the tastebuds are greeted with fruit and spice notes from the Oloroso Hogshead cask finish.
Nose: Raspberry preserve, black tea, cinnamon cake.
Palate: Dried citrus peel, charred wood, pancake.
Spirit Type: Five Malt
ABV: 52.1%
Total Bottled: 298 (estimate)
Cask Type: 1st Fill Cooper's Reserve
Finishing Cask: 1st Fill Oloroso Hogshead
Finishing Time: 7 years
Total Maturation: 9 Years
Laith Haddad has curated a unique cigar offering to pair with this single cask whiskey, which you can purchase separately at the link below:
Medium plus, aged 18 years and triple fermented for an incredibly smooth smoke. In the third fermentation phase, we age the wrapper leaf in fired oak whiskey barrels. Tasting notes: cocoa powder, creamy espresso, semi-sweet chocolate, with a nutmeg spice finish — super cool all the way down to the nub. Pigtailed cap and closed foot for an easy light. Size 6/54 CSC wants to ensure the upmost care in the delivery of our cigars to you, so they will handle the cigar shipment of this special offering. To ensure your maximum enjoyment of the pairing, they are selling the Fire Oak #4443 cigar in packs of three, which can be ordered online for delivery.